


The config-file is usually stored under: ./config/config.json

It controls how the form looks and behaves. In most cases it's the only thing that should ever be touched.


    "controls" : false,
    "progressbar" : false,
    "success" : "success",
    "password" : <Password Object>,
    "templates": <Templates Object>
    "formhandler': [
        <Formhandler Object>,
        <Formhandler Object>,
    "pages": [
        <Page Object>,
        <Page Object>,
Root Object:
Name Possible Values Default Value Description
controls true, false true Enables/disables the display of dedicated control-buttons to switch forwards and backwards between pages. If set to false you have to define the buttons manually. (see Fieldtypes 'next' and 'back')
progressbar true, false true Enables/disables the display of a bar ontop of the form that allows a visual representation of the progress the user made so far.
success string "success" Defines the template to show when the form has been validated and all formhandlers successfully worked.
password <Password Object>, false false Enables/disables functionality to password-protect the form.
templates <Templates Object> {} Definitions for template-functionality, like template calcuations.
formhandler Array of <Formhandler Object> [] A list of formhandlers that get passed the formdata and do something with it. The are called in the same order as they are defined.
pages Array of <Page Object> [] A list of pages that contain the field-definitions.


A formhandler is an action that should be performed when data is recieved. That could be sending an email or saving it to a database.

"formhandler": [
           "name" : "mysql",
           "config": {
                "server": "",
                "user": "superimportantuser",
                "password": "supersecretpassword",
                "db": "supermightydatabase",
                "table": "supergreattable"
           "name" : "email",
           "config": {
                        "to": "",
                        "from": "Great From-Title <>",
                        "subject": "A great Subject to have",
                        "template": "email"
           "name" : "email_debug",
           "config": {
                        "to": "",
                        "from": "Great From-Title <>",
                        "subject": "A great Subject to have",
                        "template": "email"
Name Possible Values Default Value Description
name (required) string - The name of the formhandler that should work on the recieved data.
config (required) List of string : string - A list of configuration options unique to the specified formhandler.



Sends the data via email to specified recipients.

Name Possible Values Default Value Description
to (required) string - The recipient of the email. Can contain Template-Code
from string - The sender of the email. Can contain Template-Code
subject (required) string - The subject the email should have. Can contain Template-Code
template (required) string - The template that defines the body of the email. Can contain Template-Code or a Template-Name


The same as Email, but it does not send an email, and just prints the output. It can then be inspected in the Network-Tab of most common browsers.


Saves the data in a specified mysql-database.

Name Possible Values Default Value Description
server (required) string - The server-adress or IP of the Database.
user (required) string - The user that is used to connecting to the database.
password (required) string - The password for the user.
db (required) string - The name of the database that the data should be saved to.
table (required) string - The name of the table that the data should be saved to.


Defines how templates should be handled across the library.


"templates" : {
    "calculations" : {
        <Template Calcuation Object>,
        <Template Calcuation Object>,
Name Possible Values Default Value Description
calculations List of <Template Calcuation Object> {} A list of objects to make operations on form-data and expose them as new template-variables. e.g. Multiply fields, Replace values, ... See \<Template Calculation Object> for more

Template Calculation Object

An object that defines a single operation that should be performed on a set of values and expose the result as template-variable.

The order of operations is important!


"calculations" : {
  "multiplied": {
    "method": "*",
    "fields" : ["fielda", "fieldb"]
  "sumed": {
    "method": "+",
    "fields" : ["fielda", "fieldb"]
  "replaced" : {
    "method": "replace",
    "replacements": {
      "string1" : "replacement1",
      "string2" : "replacement2"
    "fields" : ["fielda"]
  "exploded": {
    "method": "explode_count",
    "splitter": "+",
    "values" : ["fielda"]
Name Available in Possible Values Default Value Description
method (required) all "+", "*", "replace", "explode_count" - A list of objects to make operations on form-data and expose them as new template-variables. e.g. Multiply fields, Replace values, ... See \<Template Calculation Object> for more
fields (required) all Array of string [] A list of fieldnames that the operation should be performed on.
format all "price" - When passed, performes a formatting option on the final value that makes it look like a typical price (e.g. 12.345,67).
splitter explode_count string - Defines the character on which the field-value should be splitted.
replacements replace List of string : string - Defines which string should be replace by which string.


Methods that can be applied to the values.

Name method Description
Sum + Sums up the field-values.
Multiply * Sums up the field-values.
Replace replace Replaces values like defined in replacements.
Explode Count explode_count Explodes a value on the character defined in splitter and returns how many pieces returned

Page Object

An object that defines a single page in a form.

"pages": [
      "name": "Page 1",
      "pretext" : "This is a pretext",
      "fields" : [
        <Field Object>,
        <Field Object>,
      "name": "Page 2",
      "fields" : [
        <Field Object>,
        <Field Object>,
Name Possible Values Default Value Description
name string - A name on top of the page. Represented as \<h2>
pretext string - Inserts a \<div> with the class .pretext before the name. i18n-able
fields (required) Array of <Field Object> - An array of fields to display on that page.

Field Object

An object that defines a single page in a form.

"fields" : [
      "name" : "Super Text Field!",
      "type" : "text",
      "classes" : "class1 class2",
      "attributes" : {
         "attributename": "Attribute Value!",
         "attributename2": "Another Attribute Value"
      "validation" : ["required"],
      "label" : false,
      "subtext" : "I am a description!",
      "props" : {
Name Possible Values Default Value Description
name (required) string - The name of the field. MUST BE UNIQUE
type (required) string - The type of the field to display
classes string - Add additional classes to the field.
attributes JSON-Object - An object containting a key/value-pair that defines attributes.
validation Array of string - An array of validations to run on the object. See Validations below.
label string, false - Either disable the Label of the field, or show a name. i18nable
default string - Sets a default value if applicable to the field-type.
subtext string - Inserts a text below the field.
conditionals JSON-Object - Refactor in Progress.
attachments JSON-Object - Append attachments. Used by specific field-types.
props JSON-Object - Configuration-Options for the specified field-type. See Field Types below.

Field Types

Available Fields Types

  • text
  • textarea
  • paragraph
  • breaker
  • select
  • radiogroup
  • checkbox
  • rating
  • date
  • upload
  • submit
  • forward
  • backward


Displays a simple text field.


Name Possible Values Default Value Description
placeholder string - Sets the placeholder-attribute on the field. i18n-able
maxlength string - Sets the max-length-attribute on the field.


Displays a simple textarea field.


Name Possible Values Default Value Description
placeholder string - Sets the placeholder-attribute on the field. i18n-able
rows string - Sets the rows-attribute on the field.


Display a \<p> with text inserted.

Name Possible Values Default Value Description
text string - The text to be shown in the \<p>. i18n-able


Displays a \<h3> containing the name of the field.


Displays a select-box.

Name Possible Values Default Value Description
placeholder string - If no default is set, this creates a non-selectable field. e.g. 'Please select...'.
values Array of string - An array of values to be inserted as options.


Displays a group of radio-buttons.

Name Possible Values Default Value Description
values Array of string - An array of values to be inserted as buttons.


Displays a checkbox.

Name Possible Values Default Value Description
value string
[string, string]
- Defines what values the field should show. i18n-able

value can take multiple forms:

A string:


This will set the label of the checkbox to be value1 and the value will be set to true:

<input type="checkbox" value="true"/>
<label> value1 </label>

or a one-dimentional array:

["label1" , "value1"]

This allows for the value to be a different text then true.

<input type="checkbox" value="value1"/>
<label> label1 </label>


Displays a group of ratingbuttons.

Name Possible Values Default Value Description
values number - Displays as many buttons as the number says


Displays a datepicker.

Name Possible Values Default Value Description
multiple true, false false Enables the ability to select multiple Days.
splitter string - If multiple days are selected, what should seperate them?
days Array of number - Exclude certain day from selection [0-6].
format DateFormat d. M, yyyy Set a specific dateformat.

uses airpicker


Displays a field where users can upload files. The urls of the files will be saved in a seperate 'files' array on the backend.

uses fineuploader


Displays a Submit-Button to send the form.

Name Possible Values Default Value Description
text string - The Text on the button. i18n-able


Display a button to navigate to the next page.


Display a button to navigate to the previous page.

Password Object

Configuartion that allows you the protect a form with a password.


"password" : {
    "password" : "supersecretpassword",
    "fail_message" : "You shall not pass!",
    "template" : "password"
Name Possible Values Default Value Description
password string "" The password that should unlock the form.
fail_message string "Wrong Password" A message that is displayed when the user enters the wrong password
template string "password" The template that defines the input-field. Gets passed %-msg-% and %-url-%

Special Template Syntax

Templates use a custom template engine. At the moment it is not a real language and more akin to a fancy regex and replace.

When the Templater parses a document it gets variables. These come from the data the user entered on the form, combined with defined calculations. The combination of those values is called templatevariables.

A templatevariables can be printed, or used for logical operations(if).

Every block of templatecode is terminated by defined opening and ending-tags. Default: %- -%
They can be changed in the Templates Config if need be.

Templatecode can be inserted into Strings or HTML and is used in many parts of the formbuilder. Like the template for successfully sending the form, or basically any field in the email-formhandler.

Printing Variables

Writing only the variablename just prints the value of that variable.

<div class="text">


The if-structure allows to check for certain conditions like in other programming languages. It as a rather restricted features-set for now, and contains only the most basic functionalities.

An if-block always has the following signature:

    // Content to display when true

!! Important: The start and the end-tag MUST both contain the same expression so the engine nows what endif belongs to which if. While the formbuilder will not crash from that, but the template will display as empty and output an errormessage (%-if:...-% - Limit reached). This is a constraint of it not beeing a fully fledged language.


The expression can now be a magintude of things know from other programming languages to check for the state of a variable:

// isset or empty


// Returns false if 'variablename' is either emtpy ("") or not set at all.
// Equals


// Returns false if 'variablename' is not of value 'checkme'.
// Not equals


// Returns false if 'variablename' is of value 'checkme'.

Multiple Expressions can also be chained with && and || to check for multiple states at once.


// Returns true if 'variablename' OR 'variablename2' are set


// Returns true if 'variablename' AND 'variablename2' are set


// Returns true if 'variablename' is set, not has the value 'idontwannabeshown'

The Templateengine beeing added to the Formbuilder - ca. 2020 colorized


Language Files

The Lang files can be found under ./lang/<language>.json.

They are simple json-files that contain a key/value-pair of translations.


    "variable1": "This is a text",
    "variable2": "This is another text",

The variablename can then be used together with a prefix in i18n-enabled config-fields.


i18n-enabled fields can be filled with a variablename instead of text. The default prefix ist $i18n_. The prefix can be chanced in the i18n.class.php file if needed.


   "name": "i18nable Textfield!",
   "type": "text",
   "label": "$i18n_labeltext",
   "props": {
      "placeholder": "$i18n_placeholder"

The i18n-class will replace the text with the corresponding variables from the language-file. If it does not find a language or a corresponding Language File it will use de as a default language. If it does not find a de.json file it will just print the text in the field.


Templates get exposed a special variable that holds the current language.

    <p>Deutscher Absatz</p>

    <p>English paragraph</p>



A Formhandler is a class that implements a specific interface and is called by the formbuilder to do something with the recieved data.

interface iFormhandler
    public function __construct($_config, $handler_config);
    public function handle($data);

All Fromhandlers are located in /formhandler/

In the constructor it recives the config of the complete form, as well as the config for the specific Formhandler that is called. That's because a form can have multiple Formhandlers of the same type, but with different configurations attached. (Mostly when multiple emails should be send).

The handle-Method is called when the data is recieved. The input has the following structure:

    'fields' => [...], // An array of fieldvalues. Flattened.
    'files' => [...],  // An array of strings containing the urls for attached files, only present if there are files
    'raw' => [...]     // The raw data recieved from the $_POST


A Validator is a class that implements a interface and is used to determine if the value of a field is correct or wrong.

interface iValidator
    public static function validate($value, $field, $data = null);
    public static function message($value, $fieldname = null);

All Validators are located in /validator/

The validate-method recieves the Value and the Field Object, alongside the complete recieved formdata. It returns either true or false.

The message-Method is called when validate returned false and returns a errormessage, that is then sent to the frontend for display.


Technically fields are dynamically depenency-injected. That means the class for a specific field is only called and an object created when needed. They use a shared interface with a method that is called:

interface iField
    public static function print($field, $page, $form_id);

All Fields are located in /fields/

The print-method recieves the Field Object, the pagenumber (starting with 0) it is on, and a form-id that is unique to this request.

From there on it is up to the class to print the necessary html.